Administration and Finance

APCM Documents


Any organisation needs good administration to operate smoothly and enable it to fulfill its mission.  The church is no exception! 

The Parish Administrator, Penny (email), is responsible for managing the bookings of the Star Centre – available for hire – and the day to day financial running of the church. She keeps the parish records and submits the returns for baptisms, marriages and funerals. She is often the first person to speak to outside enquirers, provides back-up for Sunday services, deals with correspondence and liaises with the broader Church of England.  

Another role within administration is that of the Parish Treasurer, Gordon (email). He primarily oversees the church finances, including periodic reporting to the PCC, budgeting, the annual accounts and heads up the Finance Committee, who maintain oversight of the financial position of the church.

Our church finances

Like all Church of England parish churches, St Andrew’s receives no money from government or any other public authorities. This places on us a responsibility to manage our finances and choose our priorities wisely. 

We have all kinds of costs and expenses like any other organisation: paying staff, maintaining our church building and contents, paying for utilities and most important supporting our many activities – providing for homeless people, activities for children and young people and offering worship of God.

Our income to pay for these costs comes from three sources: the giving of people who come to worship; donations from a variety of individuals and organisations; and the income we earn from making our buildings available to community organisations.

Supporting the church

If you would like to make a donation or a regular financial commitment to St Andrew’s, please go to the Giving page. Thank you. 


St Andrew’s church is a charity registered with the Charity Commission (1134166). Like all Church of England churches, we are required to provide our annual report and accounts at our Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting. Our most recent report and accounts for the year end of 2022 can be seen here:

2022 Annual Report & Accounts