Our beliefs, our aim and our mission
Our beliefs
In common with other Church of England churches, we say together each week one of the two forms of the creed (The Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed) which are the basis of our faith. We are followers of Jesus Christ and we make sense of the world through his teaching and applying scripture. We believe in the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, who is changing us, enabling us to grow more like Christ. We seek to live as witnesses and disciples within the context of our community in Fulham.
Our aim
Our aim is that consistently we may be welcoming all, deepening faith and serving our community.
Our mission
During the early part of 2019 the PCC completed work on setting a new Mission Action Plan (MAP) for the parish. This involved setting the priorities that were in tune with the character and context of St Andrew’s – our tradition, our congregation, our gifts and our neighbourhood. From this goals were set with clear time frames and strategies (actions) that were realistic and measurable – divided into short, medium and long term actions. Each PCC meeting we set aside time to look at one of the five areas we identified as priorities and assess what has happened in the last twelve months, review the aims and modify as necessary – and consider how we might further develop the work.
The five priority areas are:
Children and Youth
Pastoral Care
Personal Faith Growth
Outreach into the Community