Christmas @
St Andrew's

There's something for everyone. All are welcome!

Whether you're new to St Andrew's or a lifelong member, we'd be delighted to welcome you to celebrate Christmas with us!

Choral Evensong for Advent Sunday 1 December - 6:30pm
We mark the start of Advent with a candlelit service marking our journey from darkness to light as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. Followed by wine and soft drinks. 

Christmas Carol Service Sunday 15 December - 6:30pm
Not to be missed! Join us for a special service of Christmas carols and lessons. Followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

Christmas Eve Children's Nativity Service Tuesday 24 December - 4pm
A service for all ages, particularly families as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We anticipate a special guest wearing red too! Followed by juice and snacks.

Christmas Eve Midnight Mass Tuesday 24 December - 11pm
A traditional way to welcome Christmas as we sing with joy as midnight approaches.

Christmas Day Eucharist Wednesday 25 December - 10am
A short all-age service of Holy Communion on Christmas Day - join us to celebrate!

1st Sunday after Christmas Sunday 29 December - 10am
The Christmas celebrations continue with our usual Parish Eucharist and Children's Church.